Rich has been working in mental health and addictions for 20 years. Prior to working with individual adults in private practice, Rich worked at a public clinic for ten years. As an addictions counsellor he had an opportunity to work with a great variety of people with diverse lived experience that have shaped my practice and approach to mental wellness.
Working in the public setting he had the good fortune of being able to develop and deliver treatment programs and groups. Education and helping people understand how they and others function is still a big part of his practice. If you give a person a fish they eat for a day, if you teach them to fish they eat for a lifetime.
Rich is a registered psychologist and works with: anxiety, depression, stress, sobriety, and trauma.
Rich is also very enthusiastic about personal improvement, wellness, and positive psychology. Psychology is more than deficit or pathology management; we can employ psychology to not just survive, but to thrive